看的导演剪辑版,确实是粉丝向。女侠和闪电侠抢戏。用一句台词来概括3个小时剧情的中心思想:"The feeling of powerlessness, it turns good people cruel."
See how he rose, see how he fell. One always believes there's a line that seperates him from other wankers. But one blink,he's already got children's blood on his hands. u could've done something great for this country, and that's the most pathetic point. 必须感叹Pablo真的演得太棒了…微妙的转变&情绪都表达得很到位,最重要的是在残酷之余,他确实展现出了这个角色的charisma。 Boyd&Pedro OMG OMG OMG