机甲拳击第一季是由森山洋,土屋康郎,和田高明,和田卓也,藤本义孝,藤本次朗,古谷田顺久,山内东生雄,泉保良辅执导,细谷佳正,斋藤志郎,安元洋贵,森奈奈子,村濑迪与,木下浩之主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:将肉体与“齿轮技术”融合的究极格斗技——“MEGALO BOX”,将自己的全部赌在上面的男人们的热血战斗开始! 今天也立于未认可地区的赌博比赛赛场上的MEGALO拳击手“Junk Dog”。虽然
Grand Hotel. People coming,going. Nothing ever happens. ......Drink to life...to the magnificent, dangerous, brief, wonderful life.
Peggy:“I wanted other things. One day you're there. Then all of a sudden, there's less of you. You wonder where's that part went. If it's living somewhere out side of you. And you keep thinking. Maybe you'll get it back. And then you realize. It's just gone."渐入佳境!2014.1.5