食锈末世录是由碇谷敦,又贺大介执导,铃木崚汰,花江夏树,近藤玲奈,富田美忧,津田健次郎,斋藤志郎,稻田彻,铃木实里主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:全てを錆びつかせる≪錆び風≫が吹き荒れる日本。 人々は街や生命を蝕む錆に怯えながら暮らしていた。 忌み嫌われる≪キノコ守り≫の一族の少年・赤星ビスコは、瀕死の師匠を救うため、 全ての錆を浄化
“If there were an answer I could give you to how the universe works, , it wouldn’t be special. It would just be machinery fulfilling its cosmic design. It would just be a big, dumb food processor. But since nothing seems to make sense, when you find something or someone that does, it’s euphoria in all this random mess and this pandemonium.”