雪豹坚强岁月是由张健执导,张若昀,高洋,毛晓彤,吴承轩,章雯淇,司源,康杰,刘广楠,李嘉明,苏倩薇,金盛宇,胡军,侯传杲,常戎主演的一部国产剧。主要讲述了:《新雪豹》改编自业余狙击手的 网络小说《特战先驱》,该小说2009 年曾改编拍摄成由文章主演的电视剧 《雪豹》,播出后大获好评。时隔三 年后,旧版《雪豹》的原版人马再次 联手打造了《新雪豹》,文章
What a therapeutic film! I like the fact that the characters stick to their principles, that they refuse to change until a real inner-drive urges. Not to mention those sporadic yet top-tier dark humor moments. One of my favorites of the year! Vive the proletariat!