连城诀1989是由邱家雄执导,郭晋安,曾江,黎美娴,谢宁,陈美琪主演的一部港剧。主要讲述了:湘西农家子弟狄云,自幼随师父铁锁横江戚长发和师妹戚芳习武务农。 一天戚长发多年未见的师兄万震山派弟子来请戚长发去作客。三人到了万家。先是逢大盗吕通前来寻仇,狄云拼着受伤打退了吕通,却反而见疑于万
IT chapter two: IT inconsists. Bill Skarsgård was NOT well utilized; The premises established in the previous one, although was not consistent either, was not respected; The plot, with a meh ending, was okay per se, but dragged on for too long, which I assume was because of its need to 'stay true to the book'; Beverly's love interest was so shit they might as well scrapped it and just emphasis on the nostalgia.