美好年华研习社是由张一蓓执导,汪涵,马可,韩乔生,黄健翔,戴军,阎鹤祥,林墨,谢可寅,马启越,王怡人,安雨,上官喜爱,左溢,李凯馨,叶子淳 ,张婉清,聂杰铭,陈镜依主演的一部大陆综艺。主要讲述了:该青春文养综艺秀节目发起人汪涵、马可,大学长阎鹤祥,与12名心怀艺术文化追求的年轻社员在各文化艺术领域资深前辈的带领下,围绕每期不同的人物选题,通过青春研习奉上一台精彩的作业大秀。通过对中华古典美
What a trip!! Restored my faith in sci-fi?? So sweet and adventurous and funny it's actually surreal. No you can't eradicate pain, you learn how to live with it. Yes all them Freudian shit about mothers are true but it doesn't have to be some caricature demonic figure because by the end of the day they're real people too. Gertie the modern empathic H.A.L. the circuited womb. Matrix + Inception + 贝克街的亡灵。Therapeutic af