明星大侦探第一季是由何忱执导,何炅,撒贝宁,乔振宇,王鸥,吴映洁,白敬亭,大张伟,陈若轩,刘昊然,欧阳娜娜,张若昀,魏大勋,孙坚,蔡康永,王嘉尔,炎亚纶主演的一部大陆综艺。主要讲述了:《明星大侦探》作为中国首档明星推理综艺秀,节目创意源自韩国《犯罪现场》,内容包括“30%跌宕剧情 40%综艺搞笑 30%智能推理”,堪称综艺版的《唐人街探案》。韩国原版付费频道收视1.54%(收费
It's a good premise and I think, in general, the stance is good: a sort of awakening for freedom and especially woman's liberation. The reality (or even the book the show is based on) is much more complicated: there isn't blanket love to hatred for any characters. The adaption really took lots of liberties to mute nuances.