工作细胞:细胞大作战是由小仓宏文执导,花泽香菜,前野智昭,小野大辅,井上喜久子,长绳麻理亚,早见沙织,行成桃姬,小林裕介,吉田有里,高桥李依,藤原夏海,久保由利香,石田彰,能登麻美子主演的一部日韩动漫。主要讲述了:这是人类的体内。 许许多多的细胞勤奋工作的世界。 某日白细胞(中性粒细胞)与红细胞,遇见了收留迷路乳酸菌的一般细胞。为了将乳酸菌护送至同伴身边,白细胞(中性粒细胞)与一般细胞向肠道出发。 然
The music is a mix of rap, Latin, and R&B but there isn't a memorable song. The only dance number worth mentioning is the swimming pool (96g) scene. The musical wants to convey social economic problems such as immigration, racism, and gentrification to its audience. Honestly I doubt the messages would get through such busy a movie.